
Nurture YourTrees for Optimal Health:

Tree Health Services

Understanding the Factors Affecting Tree Well-Being and Maintenance Tips For Your Tree's Healthcare.

Alexandria, LA

Southern Pine Beetle: 

A destructive insect that attacks pine trees, leaving behind characteristic "pitch tubes" and causing tree decline and mortality.

Southern pine beetle (SPB) is a destructive wood-boring insect that infests pine trees, causing rapid tree mortality. It primarily affects loblolly, shortleaf, and Virginia pine, although all pine species are susceptible. Weak or damaged trees are particularly at risk.

The beetles reproduce multiple times a year, with their larvae tunneling beneath the bark and disrupting the tree's vascular tissues. Symptoms include changes in canopy color, presence of brown-red dust, and the appearance of whitish pitch tubes. To manage the infestation, it is crucial to remove infested trees promptly and avoid using the cut wood as firewood.

Keeping pine trees healthy through regular watering, fertilizing, and mulching can help prevent the beetles' attack.

Picture courtesy of Ronald F. Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service,

We offer Tree Services in Alexandria, LA.
Tree Service Pineville, LA, and Tree Removal Alexandria, LA.
Stump Grinding Services and 24/7 Emergency Tree Services

We also provide Tree Services in Natchitoches, Tioga, Marksville, Ball, Cofax, Boyce, and Woodworth.

Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt:

A devastating fungal disease that affects oak trees, causing wilting and ultimately leading to tree death if left untreated.

When it comes to oak trees, it is essential to avoid pruning them during summer to minimize the risk of oak wilt disease. Sap beetles, attracted to sap from tree wounds, carry oak wilt spores and unknowingly infect healthy trees.

Pruning oaks between April and August increases this risk. If summer pruning is necessary, choose a company that treats fresh cuts with paint to deter sap beetles.

Oak wilt can spread quickly, endangering all oak trees in your yard. Infected trees must be removed, and the remaining oaks must be treated with fungicide. Prompt action is vital to prevent costly removal and treatment expenses. Look out for symptoms such as wilting, browning, and excessive leaf shedding, and if noticed, scrape off bark to check for streaking, a sign of oak wilt. Live oaks may be injected with a fungicide for early-stage infections.

Joseph OBrien, USDA Forest Service,

We offer Tree Services in Alexandria, LA.
Tree Service Pineville, LA, and Tree Removal Alexandria, LA.
Stump Grinding Services and 24/7 Emergency Tree Services

We also provide Tree Services in Natchitoches, Tioga, Marksville, Ball, Cofax, Boyce, and Woodworth.

Brown Spot Needle Blight:

This fungal disease mainly affects our Long-Leaf Pine Trees, and may ultimately lead to tree death if left untreated.

In conclusion, while Brown Spot Needle Blight can pose challenges for pine trees in Central Louisiana, early recognition and proactive management can help ensure the health and longevity of these majestic trees.
Call Mr. Green Jeans Tree Service today and request your free assessment for all your tree service needs.


Recognizing Brown Spot Needle Blight in Central Louisiana
Central Louisiana, with its warm, humid climate, is home to a variety of lush vegetation, including many species of pine trees. However, these environmental conditions can also pave the way for various tree diseases, one of the most prominent being the Brown Spot Needle Blight.
What is Brown Spot Needle Blight?
Brown Spot Needle Blight is a fungal disease caused by Scirrhia acicola, specifically targeting longleaf pine seedlings. This disease can hinder the tree's growth, making it particularly concerning for young trees that haven't yet reached their full maturity.
Recognizing the Signs
The most definitive sign of Brown Spot Needle Blight is the presence of small, round, brown spots on pine needles. As the disease progresses, these spots may grow and merge, leading to a browning and eventual death of the entire needle. This can result in a "banded" appearance on the needle – healthy green sections interspersed with dead, brown sections.
Infected needles will eventually drop, leading to reduced foliage and a sparse appearance. For young longleaf pines, this can mean remaining in the grass stage for extended periods, which reduces their growth rate and overall health.
Management and Prevention
Regular inspection of pine seedlings, especially during humid months, is crucial. If you notice signs of Brown Spot Needle Blight, consider the following steps:

Picture Credit to Brown Spot Needle Blight affecting pine trees(Alabama Forestry Commission)

We offer Tree Services in Alexandria, LA.
Tree Service Pineville, LA, and Tree Removal Alexandria, LA.
Stump Grinding Services and 24/7 Emergency Tree Services

We also provide Tree Services in Natchitoches, Tioga, Marksville, Ball, Cofax, Boyce, and Woodworth.

Brown Spot Needle Blight